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195 뇌하수체/부신 Primary cilia mediate early life programming of adiposity through lysosomal regulation in the developing mouse hypothalamus. ,11 ,1 Min Seon Kim,Do Kyeong Song Nature communications 2020/11
194 뇌하수체/부신 Cephalocaudal tumor diameter is a predictor of diabetes insipidus after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for non-functioning pituitary adenoma. ,NA ,NA Yoon Jung Kim,Jung Hee Kim Pituitary 2020/11
193 뇌하수체/부신 Characteristics of germline mutations in Korean patients with pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma. ,NA ,NA Jung Hee Kim,Shin Chan Soo Journal of medical genetics 2020/11
192 뇌하수체/부신 Transcriptome Analysis Identifies an Attenuated Local Immune Response in Invasive Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas. ,NA ,NA Jung Hee Kim Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul, Korea) 2020/11
191 뇌하수체/부신 Using Etomidate in a 2-month-old Infant with Cushing Syndrome due to Adrenocortical Carcinoma. ,NA ,NA Ho Seong Kim Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 2020/11
190 뇌하수체/부신 Changes in Adrenal Androgens and Steroidogenic Enzyme Activities From Ages 2, 4, to 6 Years: A Prospective Cohort Study. ,105 ,10 Kim Jae Hyun,Shin Choong Ho,Yang Sei Won The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2020/10
189 뇌하수체/부신 Contralateral adrenal thinning as a distinctive feature of mild autonomous cortisol excess of the adrenal tumors. ,183 ,3 Jung Hee Kim,Shin Chan Soo European journal of endocrinology 2020/09
188 뇌하수체/부신 Efficacy and safety of osilodrostat in patients with Cushing's disease (LINC 3): a multicentre phase III study with a double-blind, randomised withdrawal phase. ,8 ,9 Jung Hee Kim,Eun Jig Lee The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology 2020/09

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