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번호 카테고리 EnM 인용 제목 저자 저널명 출판년도/월
27 뇌하수체/부신 Untreated Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with 17-alpha Hydroxylase/17, 20-lyase Deficiency Presenting as Massive Adrenocortical Tumor. Sena Hwang Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) 2015/08
26 뇌하수체/부신 Cushing's syndrome with adrenal suppression and masked hyperandrogenism by high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate for treatment of endometrial cancer in a young woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Kim Eun Sook Endocrine 2015/08
25 뇌하수체/부신 Sex-Specific Association between Longitudinal Changes in Adiposity, FTO rs9939609 Polymorphism, and Leukocyte Telomere Length. Kim Nan-Hee J Am Coll Nutr 2015/08
24 뇌하수체/부신 Bilateral Adrenocortical Masses Producing Aldosterone and Cortisol Independently. Kim Jae Hyeon, Lee, Seung Eun Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) 2015/08
23 뇌하수체/부신 Usefulness of pelvic ultrasonography for the diagnosis of central precocious puberty in girls. Kim Jae Hyun Korean J Pediatr 2015/08
22 뇌하수체/부신 The expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and 2 in nasal polyp-derived epithelial cells and its possible contribution to glucocorticoid activation in nasal polyp. Kim Kyung Won Am J Rhinol Allergy 2015/07
21 뇌하수체/부신 Clinical Risk Factors of Postoperative Hyperkalemia after Adrenalectomy in Patients with Aldosterone Producing Adenoma. Eur J Endocrinol 2015/06
20 뇌하수체/부신 Turner syndrome Turner syndrome presented with tall stature due to overdosage of the SHOX gene. with tall stature due to overdosage of the Yoo Han-Wook Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2015/06

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