장기 모사체를 이용한 약물의 검증에 관한 연구
곽봉섭(동국대 의공학교실)
1. D Huh, G Hamilton, D Ingber, From 3D cell culture to organs-on-chips, Trends in Cell Biology, 21 (12), 745-754, 2011
2. B Kwak, A Ozcelikkale, C S Shin, K Park, B Han, Simulation of complex transport of nanoparticles around a tumor using tumor-microenvironment-on-chip, Journal of Controlled Release, 194, 157-167, 2014
3. B Kwak, Y Lee, J Lee, S Lee, J Lim, Mass fabrication of uniform sized 3D tumor spheroid using high-throughput microfluidic system, Journal of Controlled Release, 275, 201-207, 2018
4. J Seo, W Byun, F Alisafaei, A Georgescu, Y Yi, M Massaro-Goirdano, V B Shenoy, V Lee, V Y Bunya, D Huh, Multiscale reverse engineering of the human ocular surface, Nature Medicine, 25, 1310-1318, 2019
5. D Huh, B D Matthews, A Mammoto, M Montoya-Zavala, H Hsin, D E Ingber, Reconstituting organ-level lung functions on a chip, Science, 328, 1662-1668, 2010
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