스테로이드 프로파일을 위한 시료 전처리 기술
최만호(KIST 분자인식연구센터)
1. M.H. Choi, B.C. Chung, Bringing GC-MS profiling of steroids into clinical applications. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 34, 219-236 (2015)
2. J.H. Kim, G.C. Han, J.Y. Seo, I. Park, W. Park, H.W. Jeong et al., Sex hormones establish a reserve pool of adult muscle stem cells. Nature Cell Biology, 18, 930-940 (2016)
3. H.H. Son, J.Y. Moon, H.S. Seo, H.H. Kim, B.C. Chung, M.H. Choi, High-temperature GC-MS-based serum cholesterol signatures may reveal sex differences in vasospastic angina. Journal of Lipid Research, 55, 155-162 (2014)
4. J.Y. Moon, H.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.H. Lee, M.H. Choi, Supported liquid extraction to gas chromatography-selective mass spectrometric scan modes for serum steroid profiling. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1037, 281-292 (2018)
5. S.H. Lee, D. Lee, M.H. Choi, J.H. Son, M. Seo, Highly sensitive and selective detection of steroid hormones using terahertz molecule-specific sensors. Analytical Chemistry, 91, 6844-6849 (2019)
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